SkyDeck™ Extension for Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre
The Everyman Theatre in Baltimore, MD, expanded their SkyDeck™ system this summer. Technical Director Bill Jamieson said, “We are so excited to see the new tension grid panels in place! The grid extension is everything that I had hoped for. In fact, we are very pleased with the entire process and the result of this project.”
Installed in 2012, the original grid was a full coverage SkyDeck™ located over the seating section of the theatre. The grid stopped at the downstage edge of the proscenium. With the expansion, every available overhead space has been filled with SkyDeck™. The grid, which comes in over 3800 square feet, now covers the entire seating area, wall-to-wall, and extends upstage to cover the playing area as well.
The photo above hints at a nifty feature of Everyman’s SkyDeck™ – it’s tiered. What you’re seeing is the upstage wall of the theatre. The grid panels installed against the wall are 2’ higher than the panels just downstage. You can see the access ladder at the far left-hand of the photo at the downstage edge of the higher row of panels. There are two additional steps down located in the house above the seating area. Spaced 8 feet apart, each step is 2’6” lower than the main walking surface height of approximately 18 feet. Each of the lower tiers extends towards the back of the house for 8 feet before stepping back up to walking surface level. Why tiers? Quite simply, a tiered grid optimizes flexibility in terms of lighting and sound positions.
2016 marked award winning Everyman Theatre’s 25th Anniversary. If this is what 25 looks like, 50 is going to amazing!
Learn more about Everyman Theatre here